CS236, Computer Security - Lecture Plans

CS 236: Computer Security

Spring, 2016

I will be lecturing on the following subjects, in this order. Lectures will be available the week in which they are to be given, or at the end of the previous week.

Reading assignments and other class materials can be found on the class web page.

There will be five practical security assignments during the quarter. The TA will provide full details on these, but the general subject and due dates are shown in the syllabus below.


Week 1

Introduction: Class Description and the Security Problem

Security Principles, Policies, and Tools

Week 2

Introduction to Cryptography

More on Cryptography

Week 3

Cryptographic Keys

Security Protocols

Week 4



Operating System Security


Week 5


Network Security


Network Security, Continued


Week 6




Intrusion Detection Systems


Week 7




Secure Programming


Week 8


Secure Programming, Continued


Evaluating System Security


Week 9


Web Security




Week 10


Securing the Internet Infrastructure


Securing Your System